Friday, September 16, 2011

Employee Fired for Self- Defense
Jeremy Hovan was a pharmacist working overnight at a Walgreens store. Two men came into the store and attempted to rob the store. One of the men jumped over the counter where Hovan was working and attempted to fire at him three times. The robber's gun malfunctioned,allowing Hovan time to access his personal gun and fire back at the robber. Hovan did not fire to shot the robber, but to scare him away. Hovan purchased his gun after the store had been robbed previously. After the incident was caught on tape, Hovan was fired. Walgreen states that employees are given extensive training on how to respond to robbery situations and law enforcement advises confrontation of crime suspects. Personally I do not believe this employee should not have been fired. Although Walgreens trained him how to handle situations like this, it is hard to remember training and protocol when faced with danger. In situations where there are high levels of stress, or state of shock occur many people go into “survival mode”. They do whatever is necessary to survive the situation. Hovan did not intend to kill the robber, only to scare him away. No one was hurt in this case and nothing was stolen.  Walgreens could have given another punishment for this other than termination. The situation could have turned out terrible but it didn't.

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