Friday, September 23, 2011

Last Meals are No Longer Permitted in Texas

Texas has made the decision to deny any last meal request by inmates on death row. The decision was made after an inmate made a "ridiculous"(two chicken fried steaks, a triple meat bacon cheeseburger, a cheese omelet, a large bowl of fried okra, three fajitas, a pint of Blue Bell ice cream, and a pound of barbecue with a half loaf of white bread), request for his last meal, but didn't eat any of the food. Senator John Witmire disapproved of catering to inmates. Whitmire contacted the director of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice states “No death-row inmate prior to execution should be catered to," he said. "It's just common sense.” Although these inmates may have committed terrible crimes, they are still human and should be given an opportunity to enjoy one small part of life before being executed.

Troy Davis Executed Without Concrete Evidence

Troy Davis is a man charged with the murder of Mark MacPhail, an off duty officer in Savannah GA, in 1989. Around this time last year, the Supreme Court ordered the State of Georgia to have a hearing to examine new evidence in the Davis case. During that hearing 7/10 witnesses recanted their testimony. The witnesses said police pressured them to identify Davis as the shooter while others identified another man as the shooter. These findings sparked William Sessions to argue that Troy Davis should be sentenced to life in prison, not death by lethal injection. This case is filled with conflicting evidence, testimonies, and does not have any concrete evidence that proves that Troy Davis murdered MacPhail. When it comes to someone's life, there is no room for doubt in a case; this case is filled with unbelievable doubt. There is no evidence out there that proves Troy Davis murdered MacPhail, but he is punished to death. The justice system has many flaws but this case can be governed in another way. Troy Davis was executed on September 21, 2011 around 11pm. My heart, prayers, and love go out to his family. 

Friday, September 16, 2011

Employee Fired for Self- Defense
Jeremy Hovan was a pharmacist working overnight at a Walgreens store. Two men came into the store and attempted to rob the store. One of the men jumped over the counter where Hovan was working and attempted to fire at him three times. The robber's gun malfunctioned,allowing Hovan time to access his personal gun and fire back at the robber. Hovan did not fire to shot the robber, but to scare him away. Hovan purchased his gun after the store had been robbed previously. After the incident was caught on tape, Hovan was fired. Walgreen states that employees are given extensive training on how to respond to robbery situations and law enforcement advises confrontation of crime suspects. Personally I do not believe this employee should not have been fired. Although Walgreens trained him how to handle situations like this, it is hard to remember training and protocol when faced with danger. In situations where there are high levels of stress, or state of shock occur many people go into “survival mode”. They do whatever is necessary to survive the situation. Hovan did not intend to kill the robber, only to scare him away. No one was hurt in this case and nothing was stolen.  Walgreens could have given another punishment for this other than termination. The situation could have turned out terrible but it didn't.

Supreme Court Delays Execution of Texas Man
The U.S. Supreme Court delayed the execution of a black man because some believe his sentence was unfair based on a racial reference used during his trial. Duane Black was convicted of murdering his ex-girlfriend and a man 16 years ago in Texas.Black's attorneys believe the jury was influenced by a testimony given by a psychologist. The psychologist testified that black people were more likely to commit crime has been the cause of the appeals in this case. Black's guilt is not the question here but rather did he get a fair sentence for the crime committed.  Black was sentenced to death, but his execution has been delayed while the courts review the appeals.Race should not have been a factor in determining this man’s sentence. If you look at the nature of the crime it could have happened with any race. It’s a domestic dispute that ended terribly.  The fact that a psychologist testified that blacks are more likely to commit a crime amazes me. I would like to see where this was fact was proven. When that is done I will show you a population of black people who have never committed a crime in their life, and have no intentions to do so. There are many black people who are professional, working class citizens along with everyone else.  We are not all out here to break laws, commit crimes, and live off the government contrary to popular belief. If this man was sentenced because he murdered two people that is fair, but what’s unfair is if he was sentenced to death due to a testimony that blacks are more likely to commit crime.